The Positive

The Positive Dog Training Community
for Belgian Shepherd Dog Owners.

The Positive Belgian

The Positive Dog Training Community
for Belgian Shepherd Dog Owners.

Has your Belgian Puppy
turned into a Shark?

Has your cute Belgian Puppy turned into a furry shark who thinks you are his personal chew toy?

Has your puppy turned into a persistent biter, leaving you in fear he is going to be an aggressive adult dog?

Are you worried that your puppy will munch and destroy everything he gets his teeth on?

If you are a new and inexperienced Belgian Puppy Owner and you have run out of ideas then don’t worry, help has arrived!

Grab a free copy of my “How to Stop my Belgian Biting Me”  Guide. In this unique guide, I share with you my 7-step proven plan to turn your biting Belgian into a soft-mouthed puppy that is a joy to be around. Written by Belgian Shepherd Specialist, Experienced Belgian Breeder, and Author Natasja Lewis.

Has your Belgian Puppy
turned into a Shark?

Has your cute Belgian Puppy turned into a furry shark who thinks you are his personal chew toy?

Has your puppy turned into a persistent biter, leaving you in fear he is going to be an aggressive adult dog?

Are you worried that your puppy will munch and destroy everything he gets his teeth on?

If you are a new and inexperienced Belgian Puppy Owner and you have run out of ideas then don’t worry, help has arrived!

Grab a free copy of my “How to Stop my Belgian Biting Me”  Guide. In this unique guide, I share with you my 7-step proven plan to turn your biting Belgian into a soft-mouthed puppy that is a joy to be around. Written by Belgian Shepherd Specialist, Experienced Belgian Breeder, and Author Natasja Lewis.

Does your Belgian bark and howl for hours on end when left alone and your neighbours have started complaining about the noise every time you leave home?

If your Belgian Shepherd suffers from Separation Anxiety and you are at your wits’ end and fed up with not being able to go out for 10 minutes without coming back to a home that looks like a hurricane has swept through leaving devastation in its wake. 

Introducing the 

Happy Home Alone Course

Taught live in 5 weekly Modules starting on the 2nd May 2022. 

Having a dog that suffers from Separation Anxiety is life-changing. Because once you realise that your dog has Separation Anxiety, and you decide to do something about it, you can’t leave your dog unattended until she has learned to cope.

Let’s face it, who wants a dog that goes to pieces every time you leave the house. You are no longer able to go out on a whim and leave your dog to fend for themselves. If you do, it will only make your Belgian’s Separation Anxiety worse.

Fixing this problem is going to take time and it is very hard to do this on your own, so why do it alone when you can have my support and expert help on my Happy Home Alone Course, where I will be able to hold your hand and guide you through the process.

I want to give you all the tools and support you need to help your Belgian to overcome their separation anxiety and start learning to cope and be happy home alone.

In this course, I have put together all my knowledge on how to help dogs suffering from Separation Anxiety and have packaged it up in a way that is easy to understand and implement.

This course will give you all the tools you need to help your dog conquer his panic disorder.

We will:

  1. Bust Separation Anxiety Myths and how to use this knowledge to our advantage when dealing with your anxious Belgian.
    2. How to harness your Belgian’s intelligence and willingness to learn to kick start their love of home alone time.
    3. Life hacks for coping with a Belgian suffering from Separation Anxiety, so you can take back control.
    4. Let the Training Commence, practical training tips and tricks to ensure success.
    5. How to manage setbacks and regressions when training your anxious Belgians to love home alone time.

This course really is a deep dive into Separation Anxiety and how to help your Anxious Belgian to get better, so that you can get back to enjoying your life together.

When you sign up for this course you will get lifetime access to the course and the private discussion group 

The Postive Belgian Inner Circle

The Positive Belgian Inner Circle is a positive training community for Belgian Shepherd Owners from all over the world. 

When you join The Positive Belgian Inner Circle you will get access to my expertise in training Belgian Shepherds using science-led Positive Reward-based training systems that are proven to help you train your Belgian Shepherd using compassion and sensitivity. Allowing you to really connect with your Belgian and you to enjoy that special bond build on mutual trust that is so typically Belgian.

It will be like having a personal trainer in your back pocket.

Can’t wait to join the Inner Circle?

Click the button below to find out exactly what benefits you will be enjoying as part of the Positive Belgian Inner Circle.

The Positive Belgian
Inner Circle

The Positive Belgian Inner Circle is a positive training community for Belgian Shepherd Owners from all over the world. 

When you join The Positive Belgian Inner Circle you will get access to my expertise in training Belgian Shepherds using science-led Positive Reward-based training systems that are proven to help you train your Belgian Shepherd using compassion and sensitivity. Allowing you to really connect with your Belgian and you to enjoy that special bond build on mutual trust that is so typically Belgian.

It will be like having a personal trainer in your back pocket.

Can’t wait to join the Inner Circle?

Click the button below to find out exactly what benefits you will be enjoying as part of the Positive Belgian Inner Circle.

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