The Positive

The Positive Dog Training Community
and Membership Programme
for Belgian Shepherd Dog Owners.

The Positive

The Positive Dog Training Community
and Membership Programme
for Belgian Shepherd Dog Owners.

Are you struggling to train your Belgian?

Does your puppy look like an angle but act like an aligator?

Has your Belgian turned into a runaway rogue?

Does your Belgian pull like a train?

Struggling to Train your Belgian?

  1. Do you struggle motivating our Belgian to act the way you want him to act?
  2. Are you at the end of your tether, frustrated because your Belgian won’t take treats like a normal dog?
  3. Are you looking for other options to reward your Belgian, but feel like you are hitting a brick wall?

I can help you break the deadlock and discover exactly what motivates your Belgian and how you can use this knowledge to reward your Belgian for the behaviors you want to see more of.


Does your puppy look like an angel but acts like an aligator?

  1. Do your hands and arms feel like a pincushion?
  2. Have you tried everything you can think off to stop her biting you?
  3. Are you running out of ideas and need some help turning your Maligator back into a civilized Belgian?

Let me help you deal with the challenges that raising a Belgian puppy throws at you. Having raised 14 Belgian puppies in the past 17 years I know a thing or two about those needle sharp teeth and I can help you stop the biting and turn your puppy back into that lovable clown.

Has your Belgian turned into a Runaway Rogue?

  1. Are you at the end of your tether and not sure how to entertain your Tearaway Terror?
  2. Fed up of your Belgian taking off the moment you give them their freedom, to chase the birds and the bees?

Fear not, Help is at hand.

I can show you how to get your dog laser-focused on you, instead of every other dog, bird or person in the world.

I can help you become the center of your Belgian’s universe by harnessing the power of play to build the strongest reliable recall and make you the center of your Belgian’s universe.

Using the most up to date reward-based training methods combined with the power of play I can help you transform your Belgian into your dream dog.

Does your Belgian pull like a train?

  1. Leaving you feeling frustrated and nursing painful arms and shoulders?
  2. React to every dog you meet on your walk, leaving you feeling embarrassed as you look like you are walking a hound from hell?
  3. Are you longing for a relaxing walk, with your Belgian by your side? Without having to hold on for dear life, or relying on tools to help you control your dog?

Let me assure you, there is no need for tools and with the correct guidance and positive training you too can own a Belgian that is calm and relaxed on walks and enjoys meeting other dogs. Let me help you deal with the challenges that living with a Belgian brings.

Are you looking to train your Belgian Shepherd Dog using positive training methods and are you finding that the internet can't provide you with the answers you are looking for?

Let me share with you my experience in living with, breeding and training the Belgian Shepherd Dog for the past 17 years. Let me show you how to train your Belgian using positive training methods, embrace the power of play and motivate your Belgian so that you can relax and know your Shepherd will stick by your side no matter what…

The Positive Belgian Inner Circle is a training programme designed for Belgian Shepherd Dog owners who want to raise happy, healthy and obedient companions who are a joy to share your life with. 

When you join the Positive Belgian Inner Circle you will get access to all the help you need to raise a well balanced Belgian Shepherd, who will excel in being the best companion you could ever ask for.

Membership to the inner circle will give you:

  • A Paper and Ink Newsletter exclusively delivered to your door every quarter. The Howling Moon Ledger will tackle one specific aspect of living with Belgian Shepherds and will cover training advice, tips on building an unbreakable bond with your Belgian. The Ledger will give you a training blueprint to follow allowing you to hone in and improve your training skills and take your understanding and practical application of training techniques to the next level. 
  • Positive Training Solutions specifically designed for Belgian Shepherds and their owners. You will get access to my library of dog training videos which contain expert tuition from me. I will show you using my own and my clients Belgians how to teach each exercise and talk you through the most common issues that you are likely to experience as you commence your training journey with me.  
  • A monthly Training Master Class. This 60-minute masterclass will be a deep dive into one particular topic and will be delivered via Zoom. These sessions will be taught by me and every few months we will be joined by world- renowned experts in their field.  All sessions will be recorded and available to our members for as long as you remain a member. 
  • Full Access to the exclusive Positive Belgian Discussion Group which is only available to our members. This discussion group will give you direct access to me (and other members). So I can help you with any training problems you have with your Belgian.
  • Feedback on your training via video.
  • Exclusive discounts and early access to online dog training courses, webinars and in-person events and seminars. 
  • Exclusive launch offers on book launches, and discounts on my published books etc. 

You will not find the help you will get in my inner
circle anywhere else...

In the Positive Belgian Inner Circle you’ll receive training via video, audio and a paper and ink newsletter, as well as a private forum where you can get my expert help immediately. It is like having a personal trainer in your pocket. 

I want this Inner Circle to be your one-stop shop for all your training needs. This was something that wasn’t available to me when I first started training dogs. I had to learn from lots of different sources and attend many workshops, seminars and training courses to pull all the information together. I have done this so you don’t have to, and I will continue to do so, allowing me to assess, work out what works and what doesn’t and pass this information on to you.

It is time for you to stop looking around, making mistake after mistake and finally get the answers you have been searching for.


The puppy visit we had with Natasja last week was invaluable, we covered socialising, biting and how much exercise and mental stimulation our new puppy will need.

As a new Belgian Malinois puppy owner, I feared we had bitten off more than we could chew. Not only is our pup my first Malinois puppy but it appears my pup is out of working lines, I should have looked into everything more before getting her, but I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. 

With Natasja's help and guidance, I am convinced that we can raise her to be a good dog and have proper control.  

Max R

& Poppy

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